Holistic health is an important component of daily living – especially living with balance, and striving to be content in regards to not just physical, but mental, emotional , spiritual and even social – caring for the whole person and their entire being. Self-care is the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress. And during this “Self-Care Awareness Month,” we would like to highlight some attributes of self-care; which may contribute to one’s overall holistic health positively. If you are like a lot of people, you tend to have a large support circle – family, children, parents, friends, and co-workers. And you probably tend to put their needs first – rightfully so, especially with kids and elders. One problem with this approach can be that neglecting yourself tends to take place and you run out of gas, or end up falling apart slowly. It’s okay to want to help others, but consider this – if you are not taken care of, how well can you take care of others? That is where self-care comes into play, and we would like to help you consider some tips to help you ease the stress of everyday life. So how does one practice self-care? And what does it entail? Relax! It is taking one day at a time and starting out slowly by making it routine in your everyday life. You don’t have to devote tons of time and energy, just simply remember that little steps you take can turn into larger priorities for yourself. Check out our infographic below about little things you can do to practice self-care, even if you only have five minutes! These are just but some very simple examples of how to start self-care and how to maintain it. Remember, it takes practicing self-care on a daily basis. It takes 21 days for something to become habit. Incorporate these simple steps for self-care into your own life and remember, you can come up with your own list! Self-care is holistic and just as important as going to the gym and eating healthy. During this Self-Care Awareness Month, we encourage everyone to keep holistic health and self-care in mind when facing those uphill battles. Upcoming Events from the |
July 2021
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