AIHREA News and Events

Please let us know if you have an event that you would like to invite us to participate in by contacting Jason Hale at (913) 945.7822.

Here is a list of upcoming events and important dates in Native American history.

We take a holistic approach to the concept of health. Native Health News covers current events and stories related to cultural, environmental, mental, spiritual and physical well-being.

In our first Annual report, we discuss who AIHREA is. We summarize our research projects and community outreach efforts. We discuss the financial offerings and services that we provide to the American Indian community. We unveil our Building Healthy Communities grant program which funds other community programs around the country.

In Annual report, we discuss who AIHREA is. We summarize our research projects and community outreach efforts. We discuss the financial offerings and services that we provide to the American Indian community. We summarize the most recent year.